Ranjeet Hira

Ranjeet Hira

Get In Touch
Practice Area
Active Health and Fitness, Chronic Pain, Injury Rehabilitation/Exercise Therapy

I have been a Practicing member of the BCAK since 2019. I was previously working in Ontario and a registrant of the College of Kinesiologists of Ontario. I am currently working in community rehabilitation in the Lower Mainland with CBI Health, assisting clients recovering from brain injuries, physical injuries and mental health challenges. I have also worked with cancer patients and seniors.

My Kinesiology management experience includes the following:
• Field & Development Manager with Raincoast Community Rehabilitation Services in Vancouver, BC.
• Co-Director with Cedars Cancer Institute in Montreal, Quebec.

Furthermore, I have coached tennis abroad in Australia, the Caribbean & Egypt with Peter Burwash International (PBI).

CBI Health - Progressive Rehab

401 - 3999 Henning Drive, Burnaby, BC, V5C 6P9, Canada

Telehealth available

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