Camille Fraser

Camille Fraser

English, French
Get In Touch
Practice Area
Active Health and Fitness, Ergonomics/Human Factors, Telehealth (Virtual Healthcare)

I graduated from Dalhousie University with a Kinesiology. There I learned to love the complexity of the human body movement and the effect sedentary behavior has on a person’s physical and mental health.

When I started personal training, it became evident that work discomforts can deeply affect a person’s movement and performance. I really wanted to go in their office to fix a couple of things to alleviate some of their tightness and discomforts. The latter and the mentorship of a fantastic Ergonomist with years of experience is what lit my fire to pursue office ergonomics. Now, I can help people with both work and physical activity. A killer combo when it comes to reducing employers costs, improving a person’s health and comfort if I do say so myself!

My goal is to enable office workers to fully enjoy their adventures and perform their best at work.

I’m extremely passionate about this professional goal because it combines my love of helping people achieve their own goals, my favourite hobby and my profession. Some may say triple threat?

In my mind no feat is too hard for an "average" office worker!

Prioritizing and proper guidance is what will help you achieve your goals no matter how big.

I truly believe my last statement! That is why I will never discourage anyone who wants to accomplish a crazy adventure, such as summiting a mountain you’ve been eyeing for years, run a marathon, walk up the Eiffel tower. Honestly the list goes on for possible adventures.

For me, my last big adventure was the Yukon River Quest, a 715km canoe race in 2019. There is nothing quite like that feeling of accomplishment!

I encourage you to get your office setting to fit your needs and get yourself an adventure schedule going to reach all those crazy goals you have in mind for the future.

962 4th Ave PO. 615, Fernie, BC, V0B 1M0, Canada

Telehealth available

1181 Belanger Ave, Other, Ontario, K1H 1B7, Canada

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