Jeremy Lee

Jeremy Lee

Get In Touch
Practice Area
Active Health and Fitness, Injury Rehabilitation/Exercise Therapy, Older Adults

I am currently a recent graduate from Douglas College completing my bachelor’s degree in Physical Education and Coaching (BPEC) with a specialization in Kinesiology. I am working towards a career of becoming a Kinesiologist and potentially a physiotherapist.

I have played sports all my life, and one that has stuck with me is soccer. Sports and physical activity will be a key part of my life and have shaped me into the person I am today. I still play soccer right now and help treat minor injuries on my soccer team. I love that I can translate what I learn in the classroom, into my future career as a Kinesiologist.

Outside of school and sports, I choose to keep and maintain my daily physical activity, through weightlifting and hiking. Doing this gives me joy that I am exercising my health and positivity in my life. I hope to keep these habits up for as long as I can and encourage others to do so as well.

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