Monty (Jugjit) Bhambra

Monty (Jugjit) Bhambra

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Practice Area
Injury Rehabilitation/Exercise Therapy

As a Practicing Kinesiologist in good standing with BCAK. Monty received his Kinesiology degree in 1998 from The University of British Columbia. As the sole owner of Active Kinetics Inc. Monty has over 23 years of clinical experience. Monty has continued to provide active rehabilitation services for variety of populations including amateur to professional athletes and active injury rehabilitation for clients with traumatic brain injury, severe Orthopedic injury, and return to work planning. His treatment for injury recovery is customized for each client and specializes in creating job simulated exercise program to facilitate graduated return to work planning. As a world traveller and a passionate Kinesiologist, Monty has acquired many skills with additional post degree certificates he has achieved. Monty completed the Functional Assessment of the Spine and Extremities (part 1&2) in November 2013. In 1999 Monty received a diploma in Medical Exercise Therapy from The Norwegian MET institute. In addition, over the years of providing active rehab treatment Monty has attended many courses, conferences, and workshops to continue providing best practice treatment for each client. Monty is also a professional member in good standing with Vocational Rehabilitation of Canada.


4446 Emily Carr Pl, Abbotsford, BC, V3G 0E9, Canada

Telehealth available

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