Robyn Clark

Robyn Clark

BKin, MEd, RRP Co-owner Kootenay Health Services Inc.

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Practice Area
Injury Rehabilitation/Exercise Therapy

Robyn is passionate about helping others take positive action every day toward physical and mental health. Co-owner of the clinic, Robyn has worked as a kinesiologist, vocational professional, instructor, and workshop presenter in the field of health, fitness and rehabilitation since 1995. In that time, she has played a part in hundreds of individual stories of rehabilitation and recovery across the Kootenays and Canada.

From a young age, Robyn competed in high-level sports including track and field, cross-country running, and cross-country skiing. Robyn has extensive experience working with a variety of athletes as well as with occupational performance training and testing. Robyn’s assessment, programming, and rehabilitation intervention offers individuals the opportunity to gain, maintain, and improve upon their athletic and functional abilities.

While at work, she can often be found turning the music dial in the gym to some good 80’s Rock. At home and in the community she can be found skiing, hiking, running, and biking with her 4 kids, her husband and the family Russian Spaniel, Ash, in tow!

Robyn holds the following designations: Registered Kinesiologist, Master’s Certificate, Vocational Professional, PGAP Clinician, PGAP-Tel Clinician, Medical Exercise Specialist, Crossfit Level 1 Trainer, Crossfit Kids Trainer, and Crossfit Movement and Mobility Trainer, FMS certified exercise professional Level 2, Fundamental Capacity Screen Certified, MovNat Level 1 instructor, Olympic Weightlifting NCCP Level 1, Y-Balance Test Evaluator, Certified EPIC lift capacity evaluator

Kootenay Health Services

602 Kootenay Street, Nelson, BC, V1L1L2, Canada

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