Leah Coffin

Leah Coffin

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Practice Area
Disability/Case Management

I aim to provide clinic and community based rehabilitation programs for a wide array of physical injuries (soft tissue, musculoskeletal, neurological, vestibular, orthopedic), for mental health issues, and for community reactivation programs. I have specific experience in providing hand therapy rehabilitation.
I have worked with a wide variety of clients including athletes, geriatric patients, clients injured at work as well as through motor vehicle accidents. Continuous team working with Occupational Therapists, Physiotherapists, General Practitioners, Certified Hand Therapists and Registered Massage Therapists.

As a Kinesiologist, I specialize in Rehabilitative Aquatherapy and Fitness Programs, Return to Work Programs, Lifestyle Consulting and Rehabilitative Training. As a Rehab Assistant, I specialize in Community Re-integration and Cognitive Retraining.

Specific job demands include:
-Specialize in workplace mental health through education, workplace needs assessment, rehabilitation planning, return-to-work services, and connection to appropriate mental health supports and community resources
-Determine physiological, neurological and psychosocial work ability, and suitability of work, to direct return-to-work planning and improve health outcomes by way of workplace functional, cognitive or ergonomic analyses
-Create and facilitate full-day conferences regarding proper workplace ergonomics, cognitive behavioural techniques, and sleep hygiene
-Consult with and inform the BC Teacher’s Federation, local School District unions, and School District employers regarding workplace accommodation, privacy legislation, and collective agreement language to best facilitate return-to-work supportive programming
-Iteratively evaluate the effectiveness and clinical utility of organizational services to guide policy and procedure updates
-Institute the evidence-based ‘Progressive Goal Attainment Program’ (PGAP) to promote earlier and sustainable return to work outcomes
-Employ preventative stay-at-work strategies
-Promote and practice ethical, best practice disability management standards
-Perform transferable skills analysis, job searching and vocational counselling programs
-Consult with employer representatives, long term disability case managers, General Practitioners, Psychiatrists, Psychologists, Substance Use Specialists, Occupational Therapists, and Speech Pathologists

Leah Coffin

6148 166a street, Surrey, BC, v3s9L2, Canada

Telehealth available

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