Kathleen Deyo

Kathy Deyo


Practice Area
Active Health and Fitness, Middle Age, Older Adults

I have completed my Feldenkrais Method training and am now a member of the Feldenkrais Guild of North America®; a GCFPᶜᵐ Professional Memberᶜᵐ
Prior to training to become a Feldenkrais practitioner, I was a Kinesiology and Psychology instructor at the College of New Caledonia. My instructional areas were motor behaviour, motor development, exercise psychology and a variety of introductory psychology courses. The Feldenkrais Method is an ideal marriage of both of my academic passions and has been a rewarding way to continue to learn and practice during my retirement. Although, I am now authorized to offer both Awareness Through Movement® (ATM) and Functional Integration® (FI) lessons, I am only offering ATM classes at this time.


home, Prince George, BC, V2M 6Z7, Canada

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