Matthew Ho

Matthew Ho

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Practice Area
Active Health and Fitness, Injury Rehabilitation/Exercise Therapy, Telehealth (Virtual Healthcare)

Matthew graduated from the University of British Columbia in 2010 with a Bachelor's degree in Human Kinetics specializing in physical & health education. He is a registered Kinesiologist and a member of the British Columbia Association of Kinesiologist (BCAK). Matthew is also a certified Functional Movement System Evaluator (FMSC) and is National Coaching Certification Program Certified (NCCP). Since graduation, he has worked in rehabilitation, personal training, and coaching. Matthew has specialized in motor vehicle accidents (MVA), return to work programs, core stabilization, and strength/weight training. Furthermore, Matthew has experience volunteering in sports medicine and is a Cliffhanger rock climbing junior team coach. Matthew is passionate about rehab, fitness and the outdoors and is involved in many activities including rock climbing, backcountry backpacking, and sailing. Matthew believes in lifelong learning and is always pursuing further education. Additionally, he believes that everyone is unique and that it is important to find the correct exercises that provide optimal challenge to each individual.

Fit Body Athletics and Rehabilitation

201–8181 120A Street, Vancouver, BC, V3W 3E1, Canada

Telehealth available

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